Earlier this month, I shared ten (plus a few extra) queer characters that I have created that I absolutely love. These were from stories I either have written and published, written and not finished, or just haven’t worked on in forever.

Today is going to be no different, as I have many queer characters amongst all my projects. I am still going to try (possibly unsuccessfully) to bring forward more characters from different stories. And based on the story, you might see (>:3) a few times again. Don’t worry about that!

  1. Malik Zane – Hauntings of Sunnydale – Bisexual
    Malik has had a rule attached to him since the moment I made his character. I can not kill this sweet bean. Ever. Malik Zane is a sweet, polite vampire who is also rather timid. In my current version of this story, he works as a TA for a Survival course at the college he attends. He’s also in an all-canine cover band and plays the bass. I made him to be a fun side character who has his own love story on the side. I imagine him talking with a soft southern accent.
  2. Rowley Manchester – Phantom Janitor – Trans Masc/Bisexual
    Full disclosure. If you buy my book, Phantom Janitor, as it is right now it will not be very clear. But I wrote this book when I was 18 or 19. I don’t remember which at this moment. But I was deeeeeeep in the closet, sort of, and was so afraid that someone would read it and be furious with me. Rowley was always meant to be a character who had an odd relationship with his birth name. And with the rewrite, which I am slowly working on, I can fully expand on what I believe is the right depiction of his character. He’s a trans kangaroo, in a family that doesn’t understand or completely support him. But he is bold in that area, choosing to express himself and be his true self without being afraid of what they think. He’s also Australian, but for some reason when I wrote this book however long ago, I went for the stereotypes which was an awful idea. (As I said, working on a rewrite slowly but surely.) He’s still very awkward around his crush, Elena, which the tigress totally plays into.
  3. Michelle Skinner – (I can’t remember the project name) – Bisexual
    Michelle Skinner was the protagonist of a dystopian story that tied into the Forbidden Project storyline. (I was young when I started making this, and I have no idea where to find the draft I had, but it’s somewhere and I may share it one day for fun. It was a lofty goal I never got close to realizing.) She’s a journalist just trying to make her way in the world, when she gets wrapped up in a war. Literally, that’s all I can remember about her original story, but I have worked with her character since then in times where I have been bored. She’s a very socially aware person, and being a journalist has given her great observation skills. (I used her in a Big Brother simulation that I mostly played out in my head.) I’d love to use her again one day, even if it is in a different project. Maybe a horror story. >.> Ooooooh.
  4. Jackson Pacer – Penned to Kill – Asexual
    Jackson Pacer, to put it best, is like a mixture of Sheldon Cooper and the BBC’s Sherlock Holmes except he is much easier to get along with. He’s aspiring poet, and a published mystery author. It seems pretty unlikely for his age, but he also barely leaves his room if he can help it. In my story he’s on novel number two and in his senior year of high school. Asexuality comes in all different forms, obviously. And Jackson doesn’t give a name to it until he gets to college, but he’s simply not interested in the concept.
  5. Ivan Walker – Justice is Brewing (COMING SOON) – Gay
    You’d think in a gay superhero story, I would like the heroes in the cute relationship more. However, Ivan is a character I worked very hard on, and hope to expand on in the future.
  6. Abigail Sanchez – The Forbidden Project – Lesbian (I believe.)
    Abi is a character from one of my earliest projects who had the power to creat storms. She’s also kind of the exposition here, letting our heroes going to find their friends know where to go. She also acts as a messenger of sorts between all of her contacts. She’s actually Kamryn’s (From the last post) ex-girlfriend.
  7. Terran Tomlinson – Hauntings of Sunnydale – Gay
    He’s a mysterious (kind of) stranger from out of town who was friends with Shane back when he went by Allister (and they/them.) He’s a dancer, been dancing since he was a kid, and his parents own a skating rink in town that he uses from time to time. He is the first guy that Malik ever has a crush on, and eventually reveals his love for music. (He plays the piano.)
  8. Beck Loomis – I can not find the name. – Demisexual
    Beck Loomis was a character concept I had for a tie in to Hauntings of Sunnydale, where she is one of the love interests for the main character’s brother. She’s a skilled artist, and she likes to draw people the way she sees them. Her art style can get a little weird, as she sees it as a form of social commentary. But she’s good at her art. She also likes to skateboard. I definitely plan on doing more with her. Soon. (She’s totally the one that beat the crap out of Dave/Daniel with a skateboard.)
  9. Dave and Kevin (And their human counterparts Daniel and Keith) – The Manager Bites Back/Werewolf Therapy Gay Monsters
    These are technically the same characters between both stories. (It’s a human AU in Werewolf Therapy. >:3) They’re gay monsters (Dave/Dan being a werewolf and Kev/Keith being a zombie.) that own and kind of operate a small burger shop called “Fries of the Undead.” Kevin handles the friendly customer service side, while Dave manages the store and helps handle the food. They have a small staff that is pretty loyal to them, despite the big scary monster thing.

It’s a bit uneven with nine places. I am just trying not to share all of the characters from one project at once. I also got reeeeeeeally distracted while writing this post. Typical chee, am I right? ^_^

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